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Saturday, July 31, 2010

tersadai di kolej

hujung minggu kali ini terasa rugi yang amat.

maka benarlah,sesungguhnya demi masa sesungguhnya manusia berada dalam kerugian.

kini aku tersadai di kolej bersama IA Business aku yang belum siap sedangkan yang lain sedang join jaulah ke negeri sembilan. deadline isnin ini.

hasrat untuk menyertai jaulah yang pertama tidak kesampaian hasil kesilapan diri sendiri. bila kerja ditangguh hingga minggu terakhir. bila di saat akhir dapat berita ada jaulah, nah, hanya mampu tepuk dahi. padan muka.

Allah anugerahkan dugaan dan cabaran untuk kita menilai diri.

ternyata masih belum peka dengan masa. salah satu dari muwassafat tarbiyah.

moga Allah beri kekuatan.


Monday, July 19, 2010

extra point

when we receive our marked exam papers,sometimes we feel very anxious when we see our mark is just one point to achieve a higher grade. at that time what we will do?

commonly we will consult our teachers and persuade them with hope that we will get bonus one mark. we will refer back to our coursework and for sure this kind of persuade will be more easy if we have a good relationship with the teachers. am i right?

perhaps my seniors of kmb who are now really hope for the bonus points to pass the requirement are more understand this situation.

now let say this situation happen to us while we are on the judgement day?

we need only one 'pahala' to enter the heaven.

at that time we have no chance to persuade anybody but we still can hope for a bonus points which are syafaat from Nabi Muhammad the Messenger of Allah or the syafaat from Al-Quran.(do correct me if i'm wrong). but...

do you think Nabi Muhammad will give his syafaat to us if we dont care about our relationship with Allah while we were alive?

dont you feel ashamed to ask for syafaat from Nabi Muhammad while we were alive,we dont ever remember him?

still do you think quran will give the syafaat to us but we always have something else to do instead of reciting quran and understand it?

we want to say we are busy?

they also can say they are busy, there still have a lot of people that deserve the syafaat. the people that always keep their good relationship with Allah,always remember to His messenger and apply the sunnah in daily life and always make sure their tongue keep reciting the quran and always said a good thing. are we among this group of people or else?

just for our reminder. we have to remind each other.

since we are in sya'aban, get prepared for ramadhan and pray hard to Allah so that we can again be in ramadhan because tomorrow is not guarantee.

cuti sempena academic day semalam.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

just wanna say something

sometimes we are more concern on what we saw.

even there are a lot of signs around us,

even there is a lot of lessons from the past.

lets take some examples.

mr. lactacyd (my facial cleanser,just to create a character,hehe)

a few years ago, when he was at school, he commonly went late to class without feeling anything but when he start working after graduated from the school, he was very discipline by arriving to his work place earlier than others so that his will not be scolded by his bos. is it happen to you?

why do you think this kind of attitude happen?

because we can see how people that come late to the office were scolded and their salary were cut off but we always went late to class when we were at school because we can't see the value of knowledge that we can get from the lecture. am i right?

we are growing in a system that trained us to be materialistic but is it worth to blame the others?

better we think what we can do because we the only person that will answer on what we did in our life in front of our 'creator',the ranking is much higher than your bos at the office.

"in quran, there are a lot of verse that tell us about what happen to the past generation because of their wrongdoings. it is not the matter we dont know about this things but its the matter we dont concern about it. the best solution is back to the quran and sunnah."

just have a stop for a while to look into the meaning of the quran before we continue our journey of life because we need it as a guide for us so that the end of our journey will be the heaven, the best place ever to end our life on this earth.


Monday, July 5, 2010


seminggu yang lalu, aku dan ikhwah-ikhwah lain mentadabbur doa rabitah. doa yang membawa kepada tafsiran erti 'friendship' yang cukup mendalam. sebuah ikatan yang bersalutkan keimanan kepada yang Maha Esa.

terbinanya persahabatan boleh dengan pelbagai cara. ada yang rapat kerana aktiviti sehariannya dan ada yang rapat kerana sama hobinya dan bagi yang hidupnya lama di asrama, mungkin pernah berkata "kerana kawan aku sanggup buat apa sahaja" dan "frens foreva". dahsyatkan?

jom kita menghayati maksud doa rabitah. fahaminya. dan bayangkan wajah kawan-kawan kita. di manakah pengakhiran persahabatan kita dengan mereka. berbahagia di syurga atau bersama menanggung kepedihan azab neraka?


Engkau mengetahui hati-hati ini

telah berkumpul kerana mengasihiMU,

bertemu untuk mematuhi perintahMU,

bersatu memikul beban dakwahMU,

hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk

mendaulat & menyokong syariatMU,

maka eratkanlah YA ALLAH akan ikatanya…

Kekalkanlah kemesraan antara hati-hati ini

akan jalanNYA yang sebenar,

Penuhkanlah hati ini dengan cahaya RabbaniMu

yang tidak kunkung malap,

Lapangkanlah hati-hati ini dengan

limpahan iman dan keyakinan

dan keindahan tawakkal kepadaMU,

Hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini dengan

ma’rifat (pengetahuan sebenar) tentangMU,

Jika Engkau mentakdirkan mati,

maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini

sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agamaMU,

Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran

dan sebaik-baik penolong,


Perkenankanlah permintaan ini…

menulis sambil merindui.
