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Thursday, August 25, 2011

almaklumlah kita ni kan hebat

Hari ini hujan menyimbah bumi Pokok Sena sejak dari pagi, rasanya seluruh Kedah merasai nikmat yang sama melalui sembang-sembang dengan rakan di alam maya.

Hujan itu nikmat, sungguh enak bagi anak muda macam saya untuk terus membuta. Mungkin kita mengatakan ianya nikmat kerana ia membuatkan kita rasa selesa tetapi bagaimana pula dengan manusia yang mata pencariannya bergantung kepada factor cuaca?

Kisah Lahuma & Jeha

Mereka yang pernah membaca dan menghayati novel Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan pasti dapat mengagak apa yang terlintas di fikiran saya. Bagi yang baru kali pertama mendengar, boleh la menggunakan khidmat ‘Google’.

Saya merasakan dengan kondisi cuaca sekarang ini, air sudah melimpahi petak-petak sawah dan padi juga sudah mula rebah. Para penoreh getah juga pasti menggaru kepala tanda resah. Resah mereka mungkin mendapat simpati kita, tapi apa yang dirasa pasti diluar jangkaan kotak pemikiran kita. Shahnon Ahmad memperkayakan bait tulisannya dengan gaya bahasa hiperbola bukan sekadar suka-suka, tapi itulah hakikatnya “berat mata memandang,berat lagi bahu yang memikul”.

Obses dengan hidup sendiri

Manusia menurut Sun Tzu melaui karyanya ‘Art of War’ menyifatkan manusia ni secara semula jadinya memang pentingkan diri sendiri.

“Give two men a spear each and in no time, they will be locked in combat to prove one is superior to the other. It is the nature of people to be egoistic” – Sun Tzu, 500 B.C

Tidak perlu pergi jauh, lihat pada diri sendiri apa kita ini penting diri?

Teringat kata-kata seorang sheikh yang tiba-tiba ke hadapan mengambil tempat pentazkirah semasa tazkirah Ramadan Jumaat lalu, dengan nada sedikit tinggi katanya:

“Saya nak menyeru kepada ibubapa, jangan benarkan anak-anak main mercun. Jangan bagi duit pada mereka, kalau ibubapa tak bagi duit mana mereka nak dapat duit beli mercun. Saya sedih, semalam akhbar lapor ada budak putus jari sebab main mercun. Tapi umat hari ini saya pelik, tak ada iman, orang beriman kalau saudara seaqidahnya sakit dia turut rasa sakit. Tapi apa kita rasa? Ala biar lah bukan anak kita? Ada iman ka tak dak kita ni?”

Ini lah kita, setelah disemai gaya hidup Eropah. Kaji lah sejarah Eropah, mereka lah yang memperkenal sistem ‘ranking’ dan mengagungkannya. Sistem itu lah yang membawa kepada penting diri, kerana yang berada di puncak akan disanjung dan dipuja. Kita tidak rasa kerana sejak kecil dah berada dalam sistem ini, mendapat tempat pertama itu hebat. Betulkan?

Kesimpulan: jangan lupa orang di bawah

Saya tidak kata memandang yang di atas itu tidak elok, pandanglah, jadikan ia sumber motivasi untuk kita terus memacu diri kehadapan. Cuma kita perlu ingat, berhati-hati dengan tingkah laku kita. Tidak semua manusia seuntung senasib macam kita. Mungkin kita gembira tapi mereka sedang bermuram durja, ada kita peduli?

Pesan Puan Adilah (guru fizik), tips untuk terus kekal senyum itu dengan memandang orang yang berada dibawah. Ia akan membuatkan kita rasa bersyukur.



*gambar sekadar hiasan (ihsan google)

Monday, August 1, 2011

critic is human part-time job

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful

Let me start this post with a story of Dick Fosbury, who developed the “Fosbury flop” technique which is used in high-jump by athletes nowadays.


Previously, athletes used the straddle method, in which they went over the bar while facing it with one arm and one leg leading. Fosbury developed a technique where he went over head first with his back to the bar.

Developing the new technique is one thing and getting it accepted by others was another matter. Fosbury remarked, “I was told over and over again that I would never be successful, that I was not going to be competitive and the technique was simply not going to work. All I could do was shrug and say, “We’ll just have to see.”

And people see Fosbury won gold medal in the Mexico City Olympics in 1968, shattering previous Olympics record. Since then, nearly all world-class high jumpers use his technique.


What I can say about this story is that criticism will always heard when we come out with some ideas that have the uncertain outcome. At this stage, only people that have strong determination could survive.

Maybe to we should learn the concept of shame from the Japanese that contribute to strong determination. The Japanese always fear being shame. To talk about big dreams and success then failed would cause them enormous shame. That’s why they will absolutely do their best in whatever they do. The Malays also practice this concept but the different is because of fear being shame then they stop exploring new things.

How if we failed?

In this case we have to define failure carefully. Sometimes we feel ‘loser’ just because of criticism. Is it true we failed? We should see all the things that we had done in more perspectives. Let me give you one example:

A coach of a football team plan to go for European tour so that his players could learn something from the European style and tactical but at the end of the season the team not achieved the management’s target and the management blamed the coach. However the coach stand firm on the ground and always optimist. He never calls it a mistake, but it is an education. At least now he knows where they stand and from the tour he knows his player better which is vital for tactical planning.

Like it or not, people will always criticize but for our part, we have to keep a positive state of mind and stay focus because it will increase our potential for success.

“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

that's all for this time. Happy fasting to all muslims.


*story of Fosbury was quoted from "Dare to Dream" - J. C. Maxwell